The clown is the master of ceremonies - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The master of ceremonies - Le maître de cérémonie

A zombie is in temporal convergence  - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Temporal convergence
Convergence temporelle

The Hatter is a happy zombie - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The hatter - Le chapelier

The Hatter is a happy zombie in black and white - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The hatter B&W - Le chapelier

Our own zombie duality unites us all - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Duality - Dualité

Intimate portrait of a zombie clown - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Intimate portrait of a clown - Portrait intimiste d’un clown

Zombie Scare O Park - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Frayeur O parc

Fright O Park - romantic - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Frayeur O parc - romantique

Mumia Zombie - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:


The ceremony is coming up - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The ceremony is approaching - La cérémonie approche

Zombie, for an organ donation... NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

For an organ donation ... / Pour un don d’organe...

The Zombie Warriors of the Bayou - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The warriors of the bayou - Les guerrières du bayou

Dream of a starry day - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Dream of a starry day - Songe d’une journée étoilé

Mona Zombie - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:


The Zombie Bride - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The bride - La mariée

The Balloons - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The Balloons - Les ballons

The next door neighbor - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The next door neighbor - La voisine d’à côté

A newly married zombie couple - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The newlyweds for eternity - Les nouveaux mariés pour l’éternité

A newly married zombie couple B&W - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The newlyweds for eternity B&W
Les nouveaux mariés pour l’éternité

The friendly clown - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The friendly clown - Le sympathique clown

The friendly clown B&W - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The friendly clown B&W - Le sympathique clown

Do you like clowns? - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Do you like clowns? - Vous aimez les clowns ?

The Fallen King Zombie  - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The Fallen King - Le roi déchu

The Royal Family - La famille royale

The Zombie Dogma - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The Zombie Dogma

Tribute to Bilal  Zombie - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Tribute to Bilal - Hommage à Bilal

The illuminated - L’illuminée

The Lady of the Lake - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The Lady of the Lake - La dame du lac

The Lady of the Lake B&W - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The Lady of the Lake B&W - La dame du lac

Portrait of a Zombie Nun - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

The nun - La religieuse

Portrait of a young Zombie - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Intensity - Intensité

Portrait of a young Zombie Vampire - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:


Portrait of a young Zombie vampire in black & white - NFT

The Zombie Series, a collection of 30 NFTs, portraits of strange and mysterious characters, sometimes a bit scary... 

Now available:

Jiangshi B&W

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